Finance Health Check
Structuring Your Loan Finance isn't just about finding the best rate. How you structure the loan and what are the conditions of your loan are important too. Blue Chip has significant experience in commercial lending to help you avoid common pitfalls. We can set up your finances:
Meeting Loan Requirements It is not enough to be able to repay your loan, you also need to meet each of the conditions of your loan. The conditions are usually dependent upon meeting certain key measures used by the lender to assess your ability to pay back the loan and to secure the loan. Without proper advice, a "cheap" rate could end up costing more than expected if you are not able to meet these loan conditions and the lender enforces default provisions. Blue Chip liaises with your accountant and communicates with your lender to negotiate appropriate loan conditions and, where required, provide on-going advocacy and support. Key measures include:
Finance Health Check Do you understand your existing loan covenants? Are you aware of your potential risks and would you know what to do in the event of a covenant breach? With lender scepticism high and flexibility low, it makes sense to review your finance arrangements – before the bank does. Home | About Us | Banking / Financing | Finance Health Check | Childcare Services | Contacts |